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Minisink Valley Historical Society
CCC at High Point State Park
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The Minisink Valley Historical Society is pleased to announce the publication of four titles written about an important era in our nation's history. The Society's director, Peter Osborne, has extensively researched and written about the work of the well- known federal agency called the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) throughout the region.

The CCC was created by one of the last century's leading figures, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. From 1933-1942 one of the most effective and important efforts ever undertaken by our nation to combine relief efforts, as welfare was then known, with major conservation projects in our parks and forests was undertaken. It is the story of three million young men who served in the Roosevelt Tree Army, as it was known. Their motto was "We Can Take It!" because of the hard work they undertook.

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IMAGES OF AMERICA: Promised Land State Park by Peter Osborne. This photographic history of Promised Land State Park in Greentown, Pennsylvania is the first of its kind. It contains an important collection of photographs many of which come from the park's archives. The author has donated the royalties from the sales of the book to the Society. MVHS1577 - $19.99
IMAGES OF AMERICA: Hacklebarney & Voorhees State Parks, New Jersey by Peter Osborne. This photographic history of Hacklebarney and Voorhees State Parks and the CCC in central New Jersey is the first of its kind. It contains an important collection of photographs many of which come from the two park's archives. The author has donated the royalties from the sales of the book to the Society. MVHS157 - $19.99
IMAGES OF AMERICA: HIGH POINT STATE PARK & THE CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS by Peter Osborne. This photographic history of High Point State Park and the CCC, just a short distance from the city of Port Jervis, New York is the first of its kind. It contains an important collection of photographs many of which from the park's archives. The author has donated the royalties from the sales of the book to the Society. MVHS148 - $19.99
Copyright © 2015 The Minisink Valley Historical Society. All rights reserved.
Revised December 31, 2013