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Minisink Valley Historical Society
Links of Interest
minisink history Historical Resources at the National Level
The White House -
The Library of Congress -
The National Archives and Records Administration -
This page is a very valuable tool for those doing research about American history. It is at this agency that military pension records are available for purchase. It is also the federal agency that administers the Presidential sites as well.
The National Archives
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
National Trust for Historic Preservation -
The National Park Service -
Bureau of the Census -
US Geological Survey -
The Smithsonian Institute-
The History Channel -
The History Channel Traveler -
The Virtual Reference Desk -
American Association For State and Local History -
This page is for people who work in history, both as amateurs and professionals. There are great tips for building exhibits, interpreting history and managing historical organizations.
The World History Links Page -
Godey's Lady's Book Online Home Page -
Antique Tools Museum Online -
This is the first known Web page where a museum exhibit is on-line in totality. It is already generating controversy in the museum field but definetly worth a visit.
minisink history
minisink history Graveyard Art & Its History
Association for Gravestone Studies -
This is a great web site for those interested in the history and preservation of graveyards, churchyards and cemeteries.
The Political Graveyard -
This is one of the most fascinating web pages that we have come across. It is a listing of many of the important political figures and where they are buried.
Monumental Inscriptions -Graveyard Art in England -
Tombstone Transcription Project -
Cemetery Listing by State-
Geographic Index to Cemeteries -
minisink history
minisink history New York State Historical & Genealogical Resources
This page is a very valuable tool for those doing genealogical research in New York State. In addition, it links to national research tools and international links as well.
New York History Net -
This site is designed to access the full range of historical assets within New York State.
The New York State Library -
The official library of the state of New York has an amazing collection of materials related to the history of the state.
New York State Archives and Records Administration -
The official archives of the state of New York also has an amazing collection of materials related to the history of the state.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society -
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, popularly known as the "G & B," was founded in 1869. As a non-profit educational institution, our purpose is to collect and make available information on genealogy, biography and history, particularly as it relates to the people of New York State.
New York Public Library -
Revolutionary War Heritage Trail
Heritage New York develops a system of thematic heritage trails to preserve, interpret and celebrate New York's rich history.
Celebrate History • Explore Heritage Trails
minisink history
minisink history Genealogical Resources
Everton's Genealogical Helper -
This magazine and Web page are the single most valuable resource that we can suggest to beginner genealogists. The amount of useful material packed into each bimonthly magazine is just amazing.
Family Tree Maker -
This site is said to have an amazing collection of 20% of the known people who have lived in America.
American Genealogical Lending Library -
This is an excellent source for borrowing and purchasing genealogical research materials.
Federation of Genealogical Societies -
If you are looking for a genealogical society somewhere in America - this is the source to find it.
Genealogy Exchange and Surname Registry -
National Genealogy Society -
Heritage Quest Web Site -
This site contains 260,000 Genealogy Microfilm Titles, genealogical data, tips techniques and new products.
Church of Latter Day Saints -
minisink history
minisink history The Revolutionary War
American Revolutionary War Soldiers and their Descendants -
minisink history
minisink history The Civil War
US Civil War Center -
Reenactor Organizations
The Orange Blossoms - 124th N.Y. Volunteer Infantry
The Orange Blossoms, organized in Goshen, New York, mustered a number men out of Port Jervis and from across Orange County to serve during the Civil War.
minisink history
minisink history About Stephen Crane
minisink history
Noted 19th century author Stephen Crane spent a substantial part of his short life in Port Jervis, first as a child, then as an adult. He wrote the Red Badge of Courage utilizing interviews that were said to be conducted with Civil War veterans at Orange Square in the city.
Crane's Roots in Port Jervis -
This page by Mrs. Kathleen M. Quick of Port Jervis, New York contains a brief guide to landmarks in Port Jervis.
minisink history
minisink history The Delaware & Hudson Canal
minisink history
American Canal Society -
This is an international organization with interests in any kind of canal ever constructed.
minisink history
minisink history Other Regional Historical Organizations
Klyne Esopus Museum
The Klyne Esopus Museum is the official museum of the Town of Esopus in Ulster County.
The Huguenot Historical Society
Town of Minisink Historical Society
minisink history
minisink history About Historic Preservation & Restoration
National Register of Historic Places -
Preservation of Agricultural Mills
Society for the Preservation of Old Mills -
Heirloom Plants
Center of Historic Plants - Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia
Heirloom Seeds
minisink history
minisink history About the City of Port Jervis, New York
The City of Port Jervis: http//
This page, the official city web page, contains a great deal of information about the city and its history. Some of the features of the Society's page are here as well but if you are planning to visit Port Jervis you should check this page out.
Port Jervis Tourism:
This page highlights the many places to visit in Port Jervis, NY.
The Port Jervis School District:
This is a page that has been created by local school children and Scott Reichert, a teacher at the ASK school. The young people have done a great job in putting this page together.
Heart & Hands Art Center:
A Port Jervis based art center for children, teens and adults.
minisink history
minisink history About Albany County, New York
The Albany County Historical Association/Ten Broeck Mansion website -
minisink history
minisink history About Orange County, New York
minisink history
Orange County Community College, Middletown, New York
minisink history
minisink history About Sullivan County, New York
The Sullivan County Historical Society Web Page
This is a great web page for those doing historical research in Sullivan County, New York
minisink history
minisink history About New York State
New York State Archives Services for Teachers & Students -
The New York Conference of Mayors -
This web page is particularly valuable because of its links to all of the state's major cities and a growing number of smaller ones as well.
minisink history
minisink history About the State of New Jersey
New Jersey Historical Resources -
The official archives of the state of New Jersey also has an amazing collection of materials related to the history of the state.
Rutgers University Internet portal for the New Jersey civic sector -
This site offers visitors access to a searchable database of 40,000 New Jersey nonprofit, community and governmental organizations and to the wealth of services they provide. Governor Whitman called "New Jersey's largest comprehensive source of information about civic and service organizations." At the heart of is njcitizen, which provides a set of web wizards for citizens interested in reaching out and the underlying database media outlets in New Jersey they need to send their message to any (or every) one!
New Jersey Churches -
In the 18th and 19th centuries, there were more than 1000 churches in New Jersey. The New Jersey Churchscape Web site contains a database of more than half of those churches, as well as informative historical articles. The database also includes a photographic inventory and this is expanding. The database is browsable by county and, within county, you will find a list by municipality, the church name, the sect, the date it was founded, the year it was built, and the architectural style. For the researcher, this database can be helpful in providing a list of churches of a particular sect in an area where your ancestor lived. You can then make contact with the churches to determine if they have records for your ancestor.
minisink history
minisink history About Sussex County, New Jersey
Montague, New Jersey -
Montague Association for the Restoration of Community History - |
minisink history
minisink history About the State of Pennsylvania
minisink history
minisink history About Pike County, Pennsylvania
Grey Towers National Historic Landmark: http:/
This page describes Grey Towers, home of Pennsylvania Governor Gifford Pinchot, the father of the conservation movement in America and the first US Forest Service Chief. The landmark is located in Milford, Pennsylvania.
minisink history
minisink history About the Delaware River
minisink history
Delaware Riverkeeper Network:
The Riverkeeper network is a not for profit corporation whose members monitor the quality of the Delaware River and its tributaries.
Delaware River Basin Commission:
The Delaware River Basin Commission is a compact of all of the states that border the Delaware River including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware and its purpose is to assure adequate water flows and supplies to the metropolitan areas.
American Heritage Rivers Initiative -
minisink history
minisink history About the Hudson River
Hudson Valley Study Center - State University at New Paltz, New York:
minisink history
minisink history About the MetroNorth Railroad
MetroNorth Railroad:
MetroNorth, a commuter passenger train continues to serve the Port Jervis area bringing trains from the New York metropolitan area.
minisink history
minisink history About the Region's Many Tourist Destinations
Orange County, New York:
This page describes the many attractions located in Orange County, New York, including recreational, historic and shopping opportunities.
Sullivan County, New York:
This page describes the many attractions located in adjoining Sullivan County, New York,including recreational, historic and shopping opportunities.
Pike County,Pennsylvania:
This page describes the many attractions located in adjoining Pike County, Pennsylvania, including recreational, historic and shopping opportunities.
High Point, New Jersey:
This page is an interesting page about High Point, the final section of the Kittatiny Mountains that overlooks Port Jervis from the east.
The Shawangunk Mountains:
This page describes the beautiful Shawangunk Mountains, the ridge that bounds Port Jervis on the east and is part of the larger Appalachian chain that runs from Maine to Georgia.
National Geographic: Scenic, Wild Delaware River
This page is a travel guide to the places most respected and recommended by locals, including places to go, where to stay and things to do. Fort Decker is listed here at
The National Park Service:
This page is a great source of information on our national park system.
The Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreation River
This page, part of the Park Service's Web Page was created specifically for the national recreation area just north of Port Jervis.
Steamtown, Scranton, Pennsylvania:
This page, part of the Park Service's Web Page describes Steamtown, the largest collection of railroad memorabilia in the Northeast and just a one hour drive from Port Jervis.
The Appalachian Trail Conference:
This page, part of the Park Service's Web Page is about America's longest trail and one that passes within several miles of Port Jervis. Thru hikers,those who hike it from Georgia to Maine, are often seen in Port Jervis getting supplies or having their boots repaired at Kutcher's Shoe Repair. 
The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference:
This page is a must for hikers and outdoors people as it describes a number of trails within a short distance of Port Jervis, including the Appalachian Trail and Long Path.
The Delaware Valley Raptor Center -
minisink history
minisink history Interesting Web Pages that are worth a visit
American Demographics -
About American cities -
About the world -
Even though the source of this page may surprise a browser, the CIA's web site provides a wealth of information, and this link leads to the World Fact Book. Once there, you will see a link to the CIA's home page which is also very interesting.
Copyright © 2015 The Minisink Valley Historical Society. All rights reserved.
Revised May 21, 2022