Old Mine Rd Chapter DAR Yard Sale to benefit Fort Decker

Frank Salvati lectures on the Custer's Last Stand

Indian Shield

The 125th Anniversary of the Battle at Little Bighorn and Custer's Last Stand
August 11, 2001, Fort Decker
This program was given by Frank Salvati, a member of the Society and a Security Hospital Treatment Assistant at the Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center in Middletown, New York. He has been interested for decades in Native American weaponry and specifically martial history. He has spent time on a Sioux reservation in South Dakota and is a popular speaker around the region.
This presentation was important because the military defeat suffered by George Custer was the second greatest loss by US Army during the America Indian wars. As news spread eastward of his defeat, America was stunned as Custer was one of the most daring of the Civil War military leaders. 2001 is the 125th anniversary of the battle and Frank gave the Indian perspective of the battle. While the battle has no local connection, the news of it and the subsequent talk about it certainly was on the community's mind in July 1876. In addition, older residents may remember the calendars depicting the battle that hung in every bar that were how most people came to know about "Custer's Last Stand."

Pictured is Frank Salvati holding an Indian #4F1.

Here are a few Indian weapons that were on display at the lecture.
July 28, 2001, Fort Decker
This program, given by Society member Mead Stapler looked at the earliest surveys and trade missions to the New Netherlands, present day New York, including the Minisink region from the Hudson to the Delaware Rivers. Mr. Stapler is a retired aeronautical engineer with experience in the manufacture of industrial electronic instruments using his own patents. His main interests are in the pre-Columbian and Colonial Period in North America from 900 to 1800 AD. Stapler's activities in this area have included historic archaeology at Norse landing sites in Maine, publications and lectures on the Colonial and Revolutionary War period in the Pompton and Delaware valleys and 17 years as editor of the North Jersey Highlander, a historical quarterly of the North Jersey Highlands Historical Society.

Pictured is Peter Osborne and Mead Stapler before the lecture started.

Here are a few of the guests who came to Fort Decker for the New Netherlands lecture.
July 4, 2001
The MVHS held its 3rd annual reading of the Declaration of Independence in Orange Square, Port Jervis, NY. The program entitled "The Birth of Liberty" was dedicated to the late Ted Demond who eloquently and with great dignity read the preamble of the Declaration at our first two programs. This year, his son Martin read the preamble in his father's absence.
May 2001
In 2001, we held our annual volunteer recognition breakfast on May 6. Assemblyman Jacob E. Gunther, III attended and presented each of our volunteers with a Certificate of Merit from the New York State Assembly.
May 2001
April 2000
A Look At Local Artists - 1800-2000
Our Society held its 14th annual Country Christmas Celebration at Fort Decker in early December. The installation of the decorations was completed by the director and the many cranberry strands, popcorn hearts and paper ornaments were made by the Port Jervis Middle School Students. More than 400 visitors attended, including 300 school children.
Fort Decker was decorated in a festive spirit that represents various styles of Christmas decorations used over the last 150 years. Society President Charles H. Swartwout Jr. said "During this special time of the year our museum is beautifully decorated and many people who have been regular visitors say that our Christmas program is the best time to come and visit."
President Swartwout said "This year's program was an especially exciting one at Fort Decker because of the installation of a new heating system that will allow visitors to more comfortably enjoy their stay. In addition, through the efforts of members James Browning, Richard Tarbell and Mead Stapler, we enlarged and enhanced our gift shop."

Lance Grach, a Revolutionary War reenactor from the 4th Light Dragoons, a military outfit that patrolled the Minisink region during the American Revolution, protects the bake sale items from those who might wish to take some without paying pound sterling. He is a member of the Society and was kind enough to make presentations for half of the Port Jervis Middle School children who visited and was on hand for our members' reception.
The Port Jervis Middle School students made all of the decorations for our Country Christmas this year and then came to visit their handiwork. In all, 320 children came during the course of two days and were very interested and well behaved. We are looking forward to having them come again next year.
Here, students who are terribly sad about leaving Fort Decker, are getting on the bus to return to school. The entire effort to move 320 students was managed by Richard Roberts, Principal, Richard Andre, Assistant Principal, the teachers of the Middle School and the school district's transportation team. Thanks for a job well done.
The Students of the Port Jervis Middle School
Exhibitions Funded by A & W Products of Port Jervis, New York, Allison & Charles Gillinder, GTE, Middletown, New York, The Office of the Orange County Historian, Theodore Sly, Summit Research Labs, Huguenot, New York, Williams Printing, Matamoras, Pennsylvania
With help from James Browning, The City of Port Jervis, William Clark, Jean & Leslie Crine, Michelle Figliomeni, Bernard Kozykowski, John & Bernice Masten, The Neversink Valley Area Museum, Janis Osborne, The Port Jervis Middle School, The Port Jervis Water Department, Roucken Christmas Center, Sandra Schultz, The Sleep Shoppe/The Yankee Candle Shop, Mead & Mary Stapler, Richard Tarbell, Gene Woock, and the Friends and Members of the Minisink Valley Historical Society