Family Web Pages
The following are web pages that are related to the families of the historic Minisink Valley. If you are a member of our Society or have a web page that contains information about our region's early families please email the information to:
I'm looking for male Bennett descendant's to participate in this project.
Please visit The Early American Bennett DNA Project located at:
My personal focus in on the early Bennett families that settled, Chemung Co., Tioga Co., Bradford Co., and Orange Co., NY. Also Sussex Co., NJ and Fairfield Co., CT. Many of these early Bennett families genealogies are mixed up together and / or not fully verifiable. The object of the project is to, over time, collect enough DNA to develop markers for these early Bennett families. Any and all Bennett's are welcome to participate.
By joining through this web site you can also get greatly reduced pricing for the DNA testing.
Please participate if you can. If you can't, please try to get the word out to DAR Chapters and other historical societies newsletters that might have an interest in these families. Ask a male Bennett in your family to participate if you can't.
Also, new to me too, is that people can donate to others to have their DNA testing done to aid in their lines when they don't have a Bennett to test. The information is on the site and the donations are held by the Family Tree DNA project for use ONLY for the project the money was donated for. I'm certain it can be worked out that donations made to the site can go to a specific Bennett line of interest to the donator so they will benefit personally from their donation.
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide,
Darla Stimbert
Volunteer of Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Upcoming Family Reunions
To have your upcoming family reunion listed on the Society's web page please email the information to
For Family Reunion help: