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Minisink Valley Historical Society
Tri-State Bibliography

This bibliography has been compiled by Peter Osborne the Former Executive Director of the Minisink Valley Historical Society. It is just a partial listing of all of the materials that are available in the collections around the region. Please visit our gift shop because we sell some of the items listed here.

minisink history
Regional & Local History
History of the Minisink Region, Charles Stickney, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York 1867
The Minisink: A Chronicle of One of America's First and Last Frontiers, D. Bertland, P. Valence & R. Woodling, Four County Task Force on the Tocks Island Dam Project, 1975
History of the Minisink Country, Horace Twichell, published by author, Port Jervis, New York, 1912
Fifty Years on the Frontier With The Dutch Congregation at Maghaghkamik by Pauline Angell, Reformed Dutch Church of Deerpark, Port Jervis, New York, 1937
Dutch Church Records of the Machakemeck & Mennisenk Churches, Deerpark Reformed Church, Port Jervis, New York, 1899
A History of Deerpark in Orange County, Peter Gumaer, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York, 1994
The Journal of the Records of Peter Gumaer 1771-1869, Lucile Gumaer Ogden, The Service Press, Middletown, New York 1983
Caudebec in America, William L. Cuddeback, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York 1999
The Battle of Minisink: A Revolutionary War Engagement in the Upper Delaware Valley, Vernon Leslie, T.Emmett Henderson, Middletown, New York, 1976
The Historic Markers of the Town of Deerpark and the City of Port Jervis, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York, 1996
Fact, Fancy and Romance of the Old Mine Road: Kingston, New York to the Mine Holes of Pahaquarry, Charles Hines, Hines Annual, 1908
That Ancient Trail, Amelia Stickney Decker, Petty Printing Company, Trenton, New Jersey, 1942
Reminiscences, John W. Johnston, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York 1987
The New York and New Jersey Boundary Dispute
"The Boundary Dispute Between the Province of New York and the Province of New Jersey", John T. McAndrew, Journal, Orange County Historical Society, Publication No. 4, 1974-5
"Fort Cushetunk: Connecticut's Claim on the Delaware River", Mead Stapler, The North Jersey Highlander, published by the North Jersey Highlands Historical Society, Spring 1978
"The New York-New Jersey Boundary Line: While New Jersey Dozed, New York was Wide Awake", Peter Osborne, Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, New York, 1992
Delaware River History
Natural Lives, Modern Times, Bruce Stutz, Crown Publishers, New York, 1992
Rafting on the Delaware River
The Bygone Era: Rafting on the Delaware, Joshua Pine III, Library Research Associates, 1883,
Regional Archaeology
The Archaeology of the Delaware River Valley, Max Schrabish, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, Harrisburg, Pal., 1930
The Archaeology of New York State, William Ritchie, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1994
North American Trading Patterns and Signaling Systems
Stone Alignments on Bearfort Mountain, Mead Stapler, North Jersey Highlander, Winter, 1978
Calendar Site at High Point, New Jersey, Thomas F. Brannon, North Jersey Highlander, North Jersey Highlands Historical Society, Summer, 1980
The Silent Signal System, Thomas F. Brannon and Ralph Robinson, The Bulletin and Journal of the Archaeology of New York State, Spring 1980, Number 78
Ancient Stone Trail Markers, Thomas F. Brannon, New England Antiquities and Research Association, Volume XVII, Number 4, Spring 1983
America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World, Barry Fell, Pocket Books, New York, 1976
Bronze Age America, Barry Fell, Pocket Books, New York
The Search for Lost America: The Mysteries of the Stone Ruins, Salvatore Trento, Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1978
Sites Available for Viewing
Perched Bolder at North Salem, New York
Calendar Site at High Point State Park, Montague, New Jersey
Calendar Site at Lake Tiorati, Bear Mountain State Park, New York
Mystery Hill, North Salem, New Hampshire
Native Americans in the Upper Delaware and Hudson River Vallies
Drake's Indians of North America, S. Drake, Hurst & Co., New York City, 1880
The North American Indians, George Catlin, London, 1841
Joseph Brant 1743-1807: A Man of Two Worlds, Isabel Kelsey, Syracuse University Press, 1984
The Indians of New Jersey: Dickon Among the Lenapes, M. R. Harrington, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1963
Faces in Clay: The Archaeology of the Red Men in the Upper Delaware Valley, Vernon Leslie, T. Emmet Henderson, 1976
Indians of the Lower Hudson Region: The Munsee, J.H. Salomon, Historical Society of Rockland County, New City, New York, 1982
History of the Indian Tribes of Hudson's River, E. M. Ruttenber, J. Munsell, Albany, New York, 1872 King of the Delawares: Teedyuscung, 1700-1763 by Anthony Wallace, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1949
The Lenape: Archaeology, History & Ethnography, Herb Kraft, New Jersey Historical Society, 1986
Early Man in Orange County, New York, George Walters, The Historical Society of Middletown and the Wallkill Precinct, Middletown, New York, 1974
The Archaeology of the Delaware River Valley, Max Schrabish, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, Harrisburg, Pal., 1930
The Delaware Indians, C.A. Weslager, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., 1972
Exhibits on Native Americans in the Region
"Faces in Clay: Native Americans in the Upper Delaware"
Wayne County Historical Society, Honesdale, Pennsylvania
Native American Display
High Point State Park, Wantage, New Jersey
Delaware and Hudson Canal & Gravity Railroad
The Delaware and Hudson Canalway: Carrying Coals to Rondout, Dorothy Sanderson, Rondout Valley Publishing Company, 1974
The Delaware and Hudson Canal: A History, Edwin LeRoy, Wayne County Historical Society, Honesdale, Pa., 1950
Coal Boats to Tidewater, Manville Wakefield, Wakefair Press, 1971
Delaware and Hudson Company: A Century of Progress, Delaware and Hudson Company, Albany, New York, 1923
Delaware & Hudson, Jim Shaughnessy, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York, 1997
From the Coal Fields to the Hudson, Larry Lowenthal, Purple Mountain Press, Walton, New York, 1997
Regional Railroads
Harper's New York and Erie Railroad Guide Book, William Macleod, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1851
Between the Ocean and the Lakes: The Story of the Erie, E. H. Mott, published by the Tucker Publishers, 1908
Erie Lackawanna: Death of An American Railroad, H. Roger Grant, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California 1994
Men of the Erie, Edward Hungerford, Random, 1946
Minisink Valley Express, Gerald Best, published by author, Hollywood, California 1956
O & W: The Long Life and Slow Death of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway by W. F. Helmer, published by Howell-North, Berkeley, Ca, 1955
The Final Years, N.Y. O & W Railroad, John Krause and Edward Crist, Carstens Publications, Fredon, N.J. 1977
Orange County, New York History
Early Orange County Wills, Volumes 1 & 2, 1731-1788, published by Orange County Genealogical Society, 1991
An Outline History of Orange County with an Enumeration of the Names of its Towns, Villages, Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Ponds, Mountains, Hill and Other Known Localities and the Etymologies or Historical Reasons Therefore; together with Local Traditions and Short Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, Etc., Samuel Eager, S.T. Callahan Newburgh, New York, 1846-7
History of Orange County, New York with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Compiled by E. M. Ruttenber and L.H. Clark, and a Corps of Biographical Writers, 1881, Philadelphia, Everts and Peck. Reprinted by the Orange County Genealogical Society, Goshen, New York
Index to Ruttenber and Clark's History of Orange County, Orange County Genealgocial Society, Goshen, New York, 1979
The Portrait and Biographical Record of Rockland and Orange Counties, New York, 1895
Facts and Figures Regarding Orange County, Mary DeKay Dusinberre, Tri-States Publishing Company, Port Jervis, New York, 1901
The History of Orange County, New York, edited by Russel Headley, 1908, Middletown, New York, Van Deusen and Elms, Republished by Higginson Book Company, Salem, Massachusetts and Orange County Geneaological Society, Goshen, New York
Index to Headley's History of Orange County, Orange County Genealogical Society, Goshen, New York, 1993
Orange County, New York: A Narrative History, Almet S. Moffat, Washingtonville, New York, 1928
Outposts of History in Orange County, Dwight Akers, 1937, Washingtonville, New York Harrison Press
The Concise History of Orange County, Rev. E. Corning, Library Research Associates, Inc., 1946, Reprint
A Short History of Orange County, New York, Malcolm Booth, The Orange County Chamber of Commerce & Greentree Publishing Corp., 1976
Old Orange County, Julien Dornell and Carolyn C. Arno, Smith Clove Press, Central Valley, New York, 1977
Orange County: A Journey Through Time, prepared by The Orange-Ulster Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Goshen, New York, 1983
Hudson Valley Tales and Trails, Patricia Edwards Clyne, Overlook Press, Woodstock, New York, 1990
Orange County: A Chronicle of Three Centuries, Patricia Edwards Clyne, Orange County Chamber of Commerce, Goshen, New York, 1993
Pioneer Families of Orange County, M & B Reamy, Library Research Associates, 1996
The Atlas of Orange County, New York, by J.M. Lathrop, 1903
County Atlas of Orange County, New York, Frederick Beers, Baskin, Chicago, 1875
Reprinted by the Orange County Genealogical Society, 101 Main Street, Goshen, New York
A Bibliography of Orange County, Malcolm Booth, Orange County Community of Museums and Galleries, Goshen, New York, 1965
Orange County, New York: Readers Guide and Bibliography, Matilda Gocek, Library Research Associates, Monroe, New York, 1973
Old Orange Houses, Mildred Parker Seese, 2 Volumes, 1941, 1943, published by the author and now out of print.
Orange County in the Civil War
History of the 124th Regiment: New York State Volunteers, Charles Weygant, Newburgh, 1877
This Regiment of Heroes, Edited by Charles J. LaRocca, Publication made possible by a Christa McAulliffe Grant awarded through the United States Department of Education, 1991
Dairying & Agriculture in Orange County
An Eighteenth Century Journey through Orange County by Hector St. John DeCrevecoeur, introduction by Dwight Akers (Reprinted by Times Herald Record, Middletown, New York, 1937)
National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors, The Milk Route, 4 Ox Bow Road, Westport, Connecticut, 06880
Sullivan County, New York History
History of Sullivan County, James Quinlan, Library Research Associates, 1993, Reprint
The River and The Mountains, David Gold, Library Research Associates, 1997
History of Sullivan County, James Quinlan, G.M. Beebe & W.T. Morgans, Liberty, New York, 1873
County Atlas of Sullivan, New York, F.W. Beers, Walker and Jewett, New York, 1875
Ulster County, New York History
A History of Ulster County Under Dominion of the Dutch, Augustus Van Buren, Library Research Associates, 1997
Olde Ulster: Volume 1-10 - 1905, Benjamin Myer Brink, Library Research Associates, 1997
History of Ulster County, New York, Nathaniel Sylvester, Heart of Lakes Publishing, Interlaken, New York 1994
The Palantines of Old Ulster, Benjamin Brink, Library Research Associates, 1996
Sussex County, New Jersey History
History of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey compiled by James Snell, published by Everts & Peck, Philadelphia, 1881
Pike County, Pennsylvania History
History of Wayne, Pike & Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania, Alfred Matthews, R.T. Peck, Philadelphia, 1886
Pike in Pennsylvania: History of A County, George Fluhr, Alpha Publishing Company, Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania, 1993
Pike County Historic Site and Scenic Area Survey, compiled by George Fluhr & John McKay, Pike County, Pa. 1979
Stephen Crane A Short Bibliography
Stephen Crane was one of our area's most famous native sons. Born in 1871 in Newark, New Jersey he lived until 1900 when he died in England. His most famous work, perhaps partly written in Port Jervis was the Red Badge of Courage.
Books by Stephen Crane
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Fawcett, New York, 1960
The Red Badge of Courage, Bantam, New York, 1964
The Whilholmville Stories, Harper and Bros., New York, 1900
Sullivan County Tales and Sketches, Edited by Melvin Schoberlin, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York, 1949
The Monster and Other Stories, Harper & Bros., New York 1899
The Third Violet, Appleton, New York, 1897
Men, Women and Boats, Boini & Liveright, New York 1921
The O'Ruddy, Stephen Crane and Roberts Barr, Frederich Stokes, New York, 1903

The Collected Poems of Stephen Crane, Knopf, New York, 1956
The Work of Stephen Crane, Edited by Wilson Follett, Russell and Russell, New York, 1963
The Complete Novels of Stephen Crane, Introduction by Thomas Gullison, Doubleday, New York, 1967
Stephen Crane: An Omnibus, Edited by Robert Stallman, Knopf, New York 1961
The New York Sketches of Stephen Crane and Related Pieces, Robert Stallman and E.R. Hagemann, New York University Press, 1966
The War Dispatches of Stephen Crane, R.W. Stallman & E.R. Hagemann, New York University Press, New York, 1964
Stephen Crane's Love Letters to Nellie Crouse, Edwin Cady & Lester Wells, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York
Books about Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane: A Study in American Letters, Thomas Beers, A. Knopf, New York 1924
Stephen Crane: The Story of an American Writer, Ruth Franchere, Crowell Publishers,New York, 1961
Stephen Crane, Edwin Cady, Twayne Publishers, N.Y. 1962
Stephen Crane, John Berryman, World Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1962
Stephen Crane: A Biography, R.W. Stallman, Braziller, New York, 1968
The Double Life of Stephen Crane: A Biography, Christopher Benfry, A. Knopf, New York, 1992
The Correspondence of Stephen Crane, Vol. I & II, Stan Wertheim and Paul Sorrentino, Columbia University Press, New York, 1988
The Stephen Crane Log, Paul Sorrentino, Columbia University Press, 1995
Cora Crane: A Biography of Mrs. Stephen Crane, Lillian Gilkes, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1960
Stephen Crane: A Critical Bibliography, R.W. Stallman, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1972
Copyright © 2015 The Minisink Valley Historical Society. All rights reserved.
Revised December 31, 2013