Gumaer Cemetery / Pioneer Knoll Cemetery*
The historic Gumaer Cemetery has now achieved a long term protected status through the Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Cemetery Fund, which has been fully funded by the Estate of Kenneth I. Gumaer Sr., DVM, through the Community Foundation of Sullivan and Orange Counties. It had been a long standing desire of Dr. Gumaer that the final resting place of his ancestors in Godeffroy, Deerpark Township, NY, be perpetually preserved and maintained. Dr. Gumaer held a lifelong interest in his personal and shared history with this community and subsequently with this Society, seeing both the urgency and necessity to facilitate the care of this site.
Historically, the Cemetery lies close to the heart of the 1200 acre Peenpack Patent, the precursor to the present-day Town of Deerpark. On October 14,1697, seven patentees received title to their land in the Magheckemeck Valley from the English Crown: Peter Guimard, Jacob Caudebec, Thomas Swartwout, Antoni Swartwout, Bernardus Swartwout, Jan Tys and David Jamison. This settlement evolved to become the American homesteads of the Swartwout, Gumaer, Cuddeback and Van Inwegen families, and has continued to be populated throughout the last three centuries and well into the 21st century.
This Peenpack area is the oldest continuously inhabited inland European settlement in Orange County. However, this settlement, significant at its inception and throughout much of its history, has a legacy which has become forgotten or buried.
In 1838 when the Peenpack community felt the necessity to incorporate a cemetery in their community, a meeting of subscribers was organized by Peter E. Gumaer. The result was that Peter E. Gumaer, along with his wife Esther Cuddeback Gumaer, deeded the acreage of the cemetery in 1839 to the Reformed Dutch Church of Deerpark. The 1842 deed, Orange County, NY Liber 74 page 385, was made to the Ministers, Consistory and Deacons of the Deerpark Reformed Church in consideration of $1.
Available research and current visits indicate that the earliest identifiable grave marker is circa 1720. Although the Peenpack settlement was present as early as 1690, an assumption can be made that earlier burials could be present, and it is also a fairly safe assumption that a majority of the remaining Patentees' burials are present as well. The main cemetery itself is approximately 2.4 acres with two adjacent plots that include a slave cemetery and the Godeffroy Family plot.
In the last 30 years, an increase in family and community awareness has shown more interest in the cemetery, which had up until now remained sadly neglected. The first documented instance of neglect appears in the History of Orange County by Ruttenber and Clark, published in 1881. Ownership of the main cemetery was clarified in the 1990's that the Deerpark Reformed Church indeed owned the site. Issues of access and right of way had in the past also clouded the mission of preserving the cemetery. These were in some part resolved with the intervention of The Nature Conservancy in recent years. Several Gumaer Family members, in addition to Dr. Gumaer, have made strides to further the cause, however, an in-depth look at the Church's records, and all available records, is imperative to clarify the occupancy of the cemetery.
An annual grant is awarded to Minisink Valley Historical Society by the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan through the Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery Fund. The grant is to be overseen by a committee of three with the express purpose of supporting the expenses of perpetual maintenance of the cemetery. The committee, headed by a member of Minisink Valley Historical Society, will also consist of a member of the Deerpark Reformed Church and a member of the Gumaer Family. Current members of the committee are Nancy Conod, Thomas Smith and William S. Gumaer. Email your queries directly to the Society, or volunteer coordinator Judy Gumaer Testa *the location of the cemetery hasn't proven to be actually located on "Pioneer Knoll."
Judy Gumaer Testa, Gumaer Family Historian ©03.01.2010 JGTESTA
Historic Cemetery Work Sessions
The Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery site is being cared for and restored. Through the generosity and foresight of the late Dr Kenneth Gumaer funds are available to ensure the perpetual maintenance of the historic site. These funds are administered by the Minisink Valley Historical Society through a committee consisting of a representative of the Deerpark Reformed Church and of the Gumaer Family to ensure perpetual maintenance of the historic site.
The families of Peenpack and interested community members are cordially invited to facilitate the care of this historic cemetery.
This year we are planning brief informative programs during the work sessions. There will also be a family historian and a cemetery preservationist available on site. Family members are welcome and encouraged to visit their American Homestead and pay their respects to their ancestors.
As the site is mildly remote in a rustic setting, please wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Tools are limited onsite, please bring hand tools, cameras, walking sticks, and tick/bug spray if you choose to participate on groundkeeping dates.
Pack a light lunch & join us!
For further information please feel free to contact Nancy Conod, Executive Director of the Minisink Valley Historical Society or Judy Gumaer Testa, Coordinator of Volunteers
The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan currently is custodian for the "Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery Fund". This fund was created by Kenneth Gumaer, DVM, to provide for an annual grant to the Minisink Historical Society for the sole purpose of overseeing perpetual maintenance of the Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery. Representatives from the Minisink Valley Historical Society, the Deerpark Reformed Church, and the Gumaer family were the groups stipulated by Dr. Kenneth Gumaer to jointly decide what will be done through use of the funds.
The designated Gumaer Cemetery has two adjoining burial sites which are included in the stabilization and maintenance, as circumstances allow.
Cemetery # 1 - Gumaer Cemetery (also known as Pioneer Knoll and Peenpack* Cemetery) contains approximately 2 acres, and was described as a "white person's cemetery" when incorporated. The property was deeded in 1840 to the Elders, Consistory and Deacons of the Reformed Church of Deerpark. It is situated on Peenpack Hill, overlooking the Neversink, about a 1/4 mile from Pioneer Knoll. Among those buried here, with earliest known field stones dating back to 1713 and 1720, are family members representative of the Peenpack Patentees. They are the area's early settlers Pierre Guimard and Gumaer family members, and members of the Swartwout, Caudebec, and Van Inwegen - as well as Benjamin Provoost.
Cemetery #2 - Slave Cemetery - Its size is implied on 1992 survey map and contains 4 marked graves in close proximity to the Gumaer Cemetery. There is no known or available written documentation.
Cemetery #3 Godeffroy Cemetery - The gravesite of Adolphus & Elizabeth Godeffroy sits immediately adjacent to the Gumaer Cemetery off its southern border. Not technically within the Gumaer Cemetery. {Godeffroy is named for Adolphus E. Godeffroy, who had a mansion and estate in the area.}
Anyone who has any information to share or has any interest in assisting is asked to email the society at 
For those who are interested in graveyard art and cemetery history, the Society has compiled a bibliography of material. Click here to download SilentCities.pdf - 380kb - (free Acrobat reader required). The bibliography has a number of interesting epitaphs, books on graveyard art and its history, cemetery preservation and contacts.
The Society has only a
few inventories of the area's cemeteries and visitors to our
web site are encouraged to write the cemeteries directly for
burial information. We do sell the records of the Laurel Grove Cemetery (Port Jervis) and the Pine Hill
Cemetery (Sparrowbush) and you can go to the gift shop for pricing information.
Here are several that we have recorded. Click Here to go to the Upper Mongaup Cemetery listing.
Mahackamack Churchyard
This churchyard, owned
by the Deerpark Reformed Church of Port Jervis, New York, is
one of the oldest graveyards in present-day Orange County. There
are about 300 people buried here, many of whom were the earliest
settlers in this area. The earliest burials date from the 1740s
and continue until the 1850s. There are a number of Revolutionary
War veterans buried here, including Martinus Decker, the man
who built Fort Decker, a fortified house still standing at 127
West Main Street, Port Jervis.
This graveyard is currently
being restored through the efforts of the Deerpark Reformed Church,
the Minisink Valley Historical Society, the City of Port Jervis
and many friends. For further information call the church at
(914) 856-1946 or the society at (914) 856-2375.
Click Here to visit a wonderful website by Joan Sholl Francis with a photographic tour of Magagkamack Churchyard Cemetery. It includes 58 photographs of the site and some of the headstones there.
Machackemeck Gravestone Inscriptions, Port Jervis Orange County, NY
from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, October
A copy of the gravestones
in the Machackemeck Burying Ground was made by the Daughters
of the Revolution in the month of June, 1908. This copy has been
revised and corrected by comparison with the gravestones with
the assistance of W. H. Nearpass. It is not a verbatim copy.
All verses, epitaphs and words like "Sacred to the memory"
are omitted. The punctuation has been made uniform. In the older
inscriptions some of the pecularities of spelling and wording
have been preserved.
A large number of the
gravestones shown on the plan are footstones. They are designated
by the letter F. and whenever possible the headstone to which
each one belongs is indicated. A considerable number of the stones
are without inscription; a few are so far gone as to be entirely
illegible; these are omitted.
2. Amy, wife of Levi Vangorden, who d. July 8, 1835, ae. 50 y., 4 m., 22 d.
3. A. V. (F. to 2).
5. Sarah J., dau. of R. H. and Eleanor Pierce, d. March 19, 1851, ae 4 y., l0 m., 7d.
6. S. J. P. (F. to 5).
7. Mathew Sears, d. April 27, 1848, ae. 4 y., 10 m., 7 d.
8. Lydia Ann, dau. of Mathew and Azuba Sears, d. Sept. 4, 1848, ae. 15 y.
9. M. S. (F. to 7).
10. L. A. S. (F. to 8).
13. Died Feb.17, 1827, Betsey Bodle, ae. 4 y., 2 m., 5 d.
34. J.W. (F.)
35. Jessie Wait, son of James and Elizabeth Wait, who d. Sept. 21, 1828, ae. 19 y., 8 m., 26 d.
36. Jane Boyd, wife of Robert & Boyd, decd, who departed this life March 26, A.D. 1830, ae. 79 y., 11 m., 26 d.
37. J.B. (F. to 36)
38. Hannah, wife of Hezekiah Woodward, who d. May 7, 1845, in the 78 y. of her age.
39. John Kent, a native of Old England, who departed this life March 6, 1824, ae. 61 y.
40. Wm. K. Stone, d. Jan. 5, 1856, ae. 64 y., 10m., 7 d.,Rachel, wife of W. K. Stone, d. April 30, 1861, ae 71 y., 7 m.
41. Mary, d. July 6, 1840, ae. 1 y., 6 in.
42. H. W. (F. to 38).
43. J. K. (F. to 39).
44. R. S. (F. to 40).
45. Died, Dec, 7, 1849, Francis Mapes, ae. 31 y., 8 m.
46. F.M., (F. to 45).
47. Delila, wife of Daniel Warner, d. Feb. 26, 1837, ae. 69 y.
48. D. W. (F. to 47).
50. J. D.
51 J.C.D.
52. W.C.D.
53. M. C. D.
54. J. St. J.
55. J.G.D. .
57. Stephen D. Best, d. Jan.24, 1833, ae. 33 y., 5 m., 14 d.
59. Ester, wife of Samuel Lambert, who d. Feb. 9, 1844, ae. 60 y.
60. Samuel Lambert, who d. March 14, 1839, ae. 63 y.
61. Mary E. Lambert, d. Aug. 31, 1837, ae. 2 m., 5 d.
66. N. W. (F. to 68).
68. Nathan Whitlock, d. Sept. 15,. 1802, ae. 52 y.
76. A.C.(F. to 77).
77. Abraham Corwin, Oct. 1, 1827, ae. 30 y., 2 m.
78. John Corwin, d. May 1, 1856, ae. 86 y., 4 m., 7 d.
79. Julia Corwin, wife of John Corwin, who departed this life Sept. 10, 1823, ae. 53 y., I 1 m., 19 d.
81. 1809. Margaret Windfield Departed this life Sept. the 4, aged 25 years.
82. 1806.
86. J. A. C.
87. 1807. Peter P. Patterson, d. March 15th.
90. 1809. M. W.
91. Abraham Windfield, d. in his 50eth year, May 11, 1813.
103. Richard Manning, d. Jan. 27, 1850, aged 45 y. Erected by J. E. Manning, his brother.
104. (F. to 103).
105. + I. H. S. John Kelley, a native of England, d. Dec.22, 1851, ae. 35 y., 6 m.
106. + Erected to the memory of Honor Muliek, who d. Nov. 3, 1852, ae. 29 y., by her loving husband Michael McKeon.
107. Joseph E. Hornbeck, d. Sept.25, 185 I, in the 66th year of his age.
109. J. A. C., 1823 (F. to 79).
111. Daniel Decker, departed this Life this Jan. 15, aged 33 years.
113. 1796. In memory of Elizabeth Cuykendall, who died No. the 10, aged 1 yea., 2 mo., 15 days.
114. Aug. 4, A.D. 1805, Jacob Squirl departed this life aged 81 years.
115. E.A.
117. Margery Westbrook, dau. of B. & Assenea Westfall, d. 30 May, 1852, ae. 25 y., 4 m.
118. M.W. W. (F. 117).
119. Simon, son of John D. & Catharine Carpenter, d. March 28, 1833, ae. 2 y., 1 m., 9 d.
120. Senia, wife of Simon Westfall, d. Aug.20, 1837, ae. 68 y.,11m., 10 d.
121. S. C. (F. 119).
122. S. W. (F. 120).
123. S. W. (F. 125).
124. W. C. (F. 126).
125. Simon Westfall, d. Oct.23, 1846, in the 82 year of his age.
126. William, son of John D. & Catherine Carpenter, who d. Oct. 2, 1839, ae. 5 m., 22 d.
128. S.D. B. (F. to 57).
129. R. P.C., 1821 (F. to 130).
130. Robart P. Chattle, d. Oct.19, 1821, ae. 8 y.
131. Dr. Thomas Chattle, who d. June 30, 1824, ae. 42 y.
132. K. M. L. (F. to 134).
133. M. E. L. (F).
134. Katherin M. Lambert, d. Sept.27, 1837, ae. 2 y., 1 m., 27 d.
135 (F. to 131).
136. T. C. (F.)
137. Charles Lambert, d. Aug.12, 1828, ae. 2 y., I m.
138. E.L.
140. J. E. H. (F. to 107)
141. (F. to 105).
142. 1829. John Hombeck, d. Oct.26, 1829.
143. (F. to 142).
144. Joseph Van Noy, d. May 10, 1833, ae 76 y., 3 m., 11 d.
145. Hannah, wife of Benjamin Van Noy, who d. March 19, 1847, ae. 67 y 2 m., 19 d.
146. Benjamin Van Noy, who d. Nov.23, 1848, ae. 63 y., 10 m., 24 d.
147. Nancy L., wife of Nicholas Van Noy, d. June 8, 1853, ae. 52 y., 8 m., 22 d.
148. Calvin C., son of Isaac and Catherine M. Buley, d. March 20, 1843, ae. 3 y.,1 m. , 1 d.
149. Fletcher L., son of Isaac and Catherine Buley, d. July 29, 1849, ae. 1 y., 5 m., 26 d.
150. (F. to 149).
151. (F. to 148).
152. (F. to 147).
153. (F. to 145).
154. Hannah, wife of James Westfall, d. 25 April, 1850, ae. 22 y., 8 m., 12 d.
155. J . W. (F.)
156. Theadore, son of Andrew & Mary Crawford, d. 26 Sept., 1850, ae. 6 y., 1 m., 1 d.
157. Margaret, wife of Isaac Vanaken, d. July 22, 1796.
158. 1758 Rntrs Overlden.
159. C.S.
160. 1762, July de 4. A. B. Overlede.
161. 1762, June 19, M. K. D.
162. Sarah, wife of John Nearpass, d. Feb.11, 1856, aged 84 y., 11 m., 5 d.
163. Lydia Ann, dan. of Jacob & Francena Nearpass, d. Sept. 11, 1852, ae. 13 y., 2 m., 21 d.
164. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of William & Sarah M. Nearpass, d. Oct. 4, 1848, ae. 4 y., 2 m., 20 d.
165. M. E. N. (F. to 164).
166. Richard, son of Jacob and Francena Nearpass, d. Feb. 22, 1844.
167. Francena, wife of Jacob Nearpass, b. Sept. 1, 1811, d. Jan. 12, 1863, ae 52 y., 4 m., 12 d.
168. Jacob Nearpass, d. May 28, 1842, ae. 40 y., 19 d.
169. J. N. (F. to 168).
171. Catherine Nearpass, wife of Henry Case, who d. March 29, 1842, ae. 56 y., 6 m., 9 d.
172. S. Dk. is overleden in het year 1789, Agust de 20.
173. John Nearpass, d. June 18, 1834, ae. 78 y., 9 m.
174. William Nearpass, d. Dec. 9, 1804, ae. 47 y.
175. April 1, A.D., 1805, Jacob Nearpass Departed this Life, Aged 90 yr.
176. C. C. (F. to 171).
177. 1733, Martin Decker departed this life April 24, 1802. (Only a few fragments of this stone remain. Copied by W. H. Nearpass about twenty years ago).
178. 1762. Sarah Caskey departed this life July the 27, 1796.
180. An infant dau. of Matthias and Maria Heizmann d. Nov.23, 1852.
185. 1806, March 31, Lydia Cox departed this life, ae. 64 y.
187. Mary Cox d. in the 91 y. of her age, 1804.
188. J.S. (F. to 114).
197. Willis, son of Josiah W. & Eliza Johnson, d. April 29, 1852, ae. 8 m., 18d.
198. An infant son of Josiah and Eliza Johnson, d. Dec. 10, 1852.
199. J. (F.)
200. John G. Stortzner, d. Dec.13, 1851, ae. 26 y., 6 m.,Mary, his daughter, d. Sept. 3, 1851, ae. 19 d.
201. (F. to 200).
203. Hannah, wife of Cornelius W. Cole, who d. Nov.10, 1850, ae.81 y.,8m., 26d.
205. Oakley, son of Andrew & Mary Keen. Accidently drowned May 4, 1854, ae. 17 y., 8 m. 17 d.
206. Died 12 June, 1823, Peter G. Vanettan, ae. 22 y. 10m., 24 d.
208. Levi V. Cuddaback, d. 18th Nov., ,1810. Born 13 day of March 1807.
209. April 25, 1796, Jane Vanetten departed hir life. Born the 7 July, 1785.
210. Aug. 4, 1797, born, Hanna Vanetten. Departed hir life Jan.14, 1798.
211. March 12, 1817(?), Hannah Vanetten died Eage 88 years old. (A fieldstone).
217. 1791. Margaret Caskey departed this life, Oct. 26, 1791.
225. J.
228. 1756, April 29. J MD X Overleden.
229. M.(?). N.(?). Overleden in het Jar 17 in 56 Meart 18.
230. 1751 Novb 22 St D 1752 fIISDJ
232. 1756, July 5, is Elbet D. overledn.
233. 1752, July 23. F. K. R.
233 1/2. Note:-Leaning against 233 is a small stone with the top partly broken off. What remains of each line of the inscription follows: ANT [ ] RIA [ ) OVERLED
234. 1752, JULY 6 SARA KR
235. 1757 JAYR D 21. H. K. R. OLD (overleden)
236. 1753. JUR 20 I. VE.
238. J. M. (F. to 240).
239. J. C.
240. John Madden, a native of Cork, Ireland, who d. Jan. 1, 1848, ae. 54 y.
241. April 21, A. D. 1805, Simon Westfall departed this life, ae. 87 y.
242. Sally, wife of Simeon Westfall, died March 12, 1837, ae. 95 y.
242 1/2. 1808. Levi Brink Deceased July 15, Aged 10 Yr.
244. Jane Brink, d. Oct. 1, A.D. 1808.
246. E.J. H.
247.+IHSPatrick Mulloy, d. July 30, 1851 ae. 25y.
Owen Shannon, d. Feb.23, 1849, ae. 24 y. Native of the County of Roscommon, Ireland.
Patrick Hinnan, d. June 17, 1850, ae. 24 y., 6 m.
248. P. M. O.S. P. H. (F. to 247.)
249. Leah Westbrook, born 1743, Novemb. d. 24, de wyf of Wilhelmus Cole, dpetd of dis lyf in de yer 1820, Novemb. d. 28de.
250. Wilhelmus Col, bornt in de yer 1741, Mey 28. Dedepert dis lyfe in de yer 1829, Mey 4.
251. Josias Cole, who d. March 22, 1842, ae. 77 y., 4 m., 7 d.
252. Rosannah, wife of Josias Cole, who d. Aug. 4, 1850, ae. 87 y. 6m., 17 d
253 J.C (F. to 252)
254. R. C. (F. to 251)
255. Wilhelmus Col* Born in de yer 1741, Mey *8, depert of tis* * im de yer 18. (Date never completed. *Indicates part of stone broken off. Footstone to 250.)
257. Patrick Gillooley, died Sept. 22, 1851, ae. 21 y., 25 d. Native of the County of Roscommon, Ireland.
258. P. G. (F. to 257).
260. T. Q.
262. In memory of Tunis Quick, born in the year 1787, April 13. Decease Jan. the 9th, 1810.
263. Charity, wife of Benj. Vaninwegen, d. May 18, 1816, ae. 24y.
264. Lydia Middaugh, wife of Aaron Thomas, d. April 27, 1848, ae. 76 y., 3 m., 12 d.
265. L. T. (F. to 264).
270. Catherine M., dau. of James I. and Catherine Terwillegar, d. May is, 1832, ae. 27 d.
271. C.M.T.(F. to 270).
272. Catherine, wife of James I. Terwillegar, d. May 10, 1832, ae. 18 y., 14 d.
273. Here Lies buried Sarah, the wife of Cornelus Van Aken who dyd Dec. 20, 1766.
274. (Fragments, parts of two stones. One probably that of Sarah Cole. Lying loose on tombstone, but do not belong there.)
275. (A tombstone; sides of grave lined with heavy fiagstones, with edges just above the ground. No inscription.)
276. Lydia Van Fleet, d. Oct.23, 1835, ae. 59 y., 9 m., 10 d.
277. L. V. F. (F. to 276).
278. Eutica Van Fleet, d. Oct.22, 1832, ae. 54 y., 8 m.
279. James Van Fleet, d. Dec.20, 1821, ae. 83 y., 5 m.
280. Margaret, wife of James Van Fleet, d. March . 27, 1841, ae. 91 y., 4 m., 26 d.
281.M. V. (F.. to 280).
282. J. V. F. (F. to 279). 283. E. V. F. (F. to 278).
Upper Mongaup Cemetery
Upper Mongaup Cemetery is located not too far from the Rio Dam, in Upper Mongaup, Lumberland Township, Sullivan County, NY. From Route 97 turn at the Mongaup River onto County Route 31. Go approximately 3 miles and turn right onto the upper entrance of Knight road. The cemetery is 3/10 of a mile on the right hand side. This cemetery is in rather poor condition. Mongaup is near the Orange County line. Obits for many of the families can be found at the Port Jervis Library in Port Jervis, Orange Co., N.Y. They have micro film records of the Union Gazette that date to the 1850's. Another source of info would be the Minisink Valley Historical Society. (Recorded by Jeffrey & Sherelyn Schoch - email: copyright 2002)
ALLEN, TAMICA ANN, d. March, 1985
BIRCH, FRANKLIN W. , Son of Franklin & Daisy May (Edwards) Birch, b. Sept. 25, 1915, d. Nov. 25, 1915
CANFIELD, SABINA, wife of John Canfield, d. April 13, 1876, 63Y 6M 2D
CANFIELD, MARY, Wife of David Canfield d. May 30,1858, 21Y 1M 15D
CANFIELD, ELIZA E., b. 1846, d. 1882
CANFIELD, GEORGE W., b. 1876, d. 1898
CANFIELD, EMMA, b. 1878, d. 1880
CANFIELD, WILLIAM F., b. 1870, d. 1870
CANFIELD, ANNA MARIAH, Wife of Peter L. Canfield, d. Marcy 16, 1861, 37Y 3M 14D
CHURGAY, NICHOLAS, b. Nov. 26, 1881, d. Dec. 10, 1941
COVART, ANEY, Wife of William Covart, 60Y 10M 16D
COVART, WILLIAM, d. Feb. 3, 1875, 85Y 8M 16D
COVART, WILLIAM H., d. Nov. 11, 1877, 22Y 10M 15D
COVART, SARAH C., Wife of Andrew J. Covart, d. Oct. 16, 1864, 29Y 2D
CUDNEY, JOHN, b. Aug. 8, 1800, d. Nov. 4, 1871
DOOLITTLE, GEORGE W., b. Jan. 7, 1828, d. Feb. 5, 1905
DOOLITTLE, CATHARINE (LAMBERT), Wife of George W. Doolittle, b. Dec. 6, 1829, d. Feb. 20, 1911
DOOLITTLE, ELIZABETH (KNIGHT), Wife of Peter Doolittle, d. April 30, 1894, 85Y 3M 7D
DOOLITTLE, PETER, d. Aug. 10, 1879, 80Y 4M 3D
EDWARDS, GENEVIEVE (ALLEN), 1st Wife of Stephen Edwards, d. Oct. 12, 1884
EDWARDS, MARY ELIZABETH (HAWKINS) 2nd Wife of Stephen Edwards, b. Aug. 3, 1874, d. May 23, 1926
EDWARDS, STEPHEN WILLIAM, b. June 3, 1852, d. April 4, 1947
EDWARDS, DAVID DANIEL, Son of Stephen & Mary Edwards, b. Sept 6, 1909, d. May 16, 1931
EDWARDS, STEPHEN WILLIAM, Son of Stephen & Mary Edwards, b. July 26, 1896, d. March 1, 1919, 22Y 7M 3D
EDWARDS, LUELLA, Dau. of George & Dorothy (Reynolds) Edwards, b. 1939, d. Dec. 18, 1939
EDWARDS, SARAH MARIA (SUTHERLAND), Wife of Heberton Edwards, b. 1826, d. Feb. 5, 1898
EDWARDS, HEBERTON M., b. 1828, d. Aug. 11, 1900
EDWARDS, IRA JAMES, Son of Herberton & Sarah Edwards, b. 1853, d. Jan. 11, 1899
EDWARDS, BERT, Son of Hebertonn & Sarah Edwards, b. 1861, d. Jan. 25, 1912
HALLENBECK, BEECHER, b. Jan. 7, 1873, d. May 31, 1943
HALLENBECK, NANCY L. (VIRGASON), Wife of Christopher Hallenbeck, d. Jan 24, 1892, 51Y 4M 14D
HALLENBECK, GRANT, b. July 4, 1883, d. June 10, 1936
HOYT, NANCY L.(EDWARDS), b. 1855, d. 1909
HOYT, JOHN H., b. 1828, d. 1885
HOYT, MARTHA S., Wife of John H. Hoyt, d. March 16, 1869 21Y 1M 2D
HOYT, HARVEY O., b. 1881, d. 1950
HOYT, MINOR T., b. 1875, d. 1950
HOYT, RICHARD HARVEY, Son of Harvey & Nancy M. Hoyt, b. Oct. 17, 1910, d. Nov. 22, 1911
HULL, VIRGIL B., d. July 19, 1895, 70Y 8M
HULL, HARRIET (WHITE), Wife of virgil B. Hull, d. April 8, 1919, 79Y 6M
HUTCHINS, KATHRYN K., b. 1884, d. 1963
HUTCHINS, CHARLES C., b. 1883, d. 1939
KING, ARCHIBALD F., b. 1878, d. 1953
KING, LUCY M. (HOYT), Wife of Archibald F. King, b. 1884, d. 1956
KING, MERLE A., b. 1911, d. 1941
KING, WALLACE, b. 1913, d. 1914
KNIGHT, SAMUEL, b. Jan. 10, 1800, d. April 8, 1884
KNIGHT, PHEBE (RIDER), d. Aug. 6, 1861, 60Y 2M 19D
KNIGHT, JAMES HENRY, son of Henry C. & Mary Ellen Knight, d. March 27, 1871, 6M 23D
KNIGHT, JEFFREY ARLEN, b. Sept. 2, 1965, d. Feb. 16, 1975, "POR LIL FELLA"
KNIGHT, MARY E., d. Jan. 1937
KNIGHT, JESSE D., b. April 20, 1831, d. March 18, 1902
KNIGHT, SUSAN (WHITE), Wife of Jesse D. Knight, b. March 2, 1836, d. March 28, 1909
KNIGHT, GEORGE M., b. 1893, d. 1955
KNIGHT, HELEN M., Wife of George M. Knight, b. 1899, d. 1984
KNIGHT, FRANCIS R., b. 1923, d. 1961
LEWIS, EDGAR DONALD, b. Dec. 24, 1881, d. Oct. 29, 1973
MAGIE, JOHN C., b. Feb. 22, 1874, d. Oct. 23, 1948
MCBRIDE, DAVID, b. 1845, d, 1913
MCBRIDE, JEANNE, b. 1845, d. 1914
MCBRIDE, WILLIAM, b. 1880, d. 1917
MIDDAUGH, CHARLES G., b. Aug. 21, 1869, d. Dec. 24, 1892
MIDDAUGH, WILLIAM, d. Dec. 31, 1916, 51Y
MIDDAUGH, REBECCA A., d. March 7, 1903, 66Y
MIDDAUGH, ELIAB V., b. April 25, 1816, d. April 3, 1888
MIDDAUGH, LEMUEL, b. Feb. 20, 1851, d. Aug. 29, 1893
MIDDAUGH, ELMIRA (DUNLAP), Wife of Lemuel Middaugh, b. Feb. 18, 1853, d. Sept. 27, 1887
MIDDAUGH, ELMIRA G., b. March 18, 1865, d. Feb. 9, 1886
MINTON, GRACE J., b. 1876, d. 1938
OGDEN, MARY, Wife of John Ogden, d. July 17, 1863, 62Y 3M 12D
OGDEN, JOHN, d. Aug. 25, 1865
OSTERHOUT, ELVA S., b. 1865, d. 1948
OSTERHOUT, HOMER V., b. 1878, d. 1947
RHOADES, PAMELIA B., b. 1910, d. 1984
RHOADES, RUSSELL C., b. 1910, d. 1967
ROBERTY, MAGGIE M., dau of Chas. & Etta Roberty, b. April 12, 1883, d. July 27, 1883
S (near Steel plot), L.J.
SCHOCH, MAGGIE MAY, Dau. of Sandaman & Mary Schoch, b. Feb. 1, 1914, d. April 15, 1914
SCHOCH, WILLARD CLINTON, Son of Sandaman & Mary Schoch, b. July 2, 1918, d. Nov. 22, 1919
SCHOCH, WILLIAM HARRISON, Son of Sandaman & Mary Schoch, b. July 2, 1918, d. Nov. 18, 1919
SPERLING, BARBARA A., b. March 22, 1872, d. Dec. 8, 1946
SPERLING, OTTO, b. Aug. 22, 1900, d. April 24, 1944
SPERLING, ANNA, b. Dec. 19, 1894, d. Nov. 26, 1969
STEEL, WILLIAM L., b. 1877, d. 1951
STEEL, MYRA, b. 1875, d. 1959
STEEL, DOROTHY W., b. 1902, d. 1978
STEEL, ALEX W., b. 1900, d. 1983
STEEL, JOHN, b. 1845, d. 1914
STEEL, MARTHA, b. 1845, d. 1918
STEEL, JOHN, b. 1808, d. 1879
STEEL, MARY A. (BERNEY), Wife of John Steel, b. 1816, d. 1873
STEEL, JOSEPH, b. 1833, d. 1906
STEEL, ALICE (OGDEN), Wife of Joseph Steel, b. 1841, d. 1904
STEEL, MARY A., b. 1870, d. 1894
STEEL, BERTHA, b. 1876, d. 1876
STEEL, GEORGE BRINTON, b. 1864, d. 1925
STEEL, FANNIE L., b. Jan. 23, 1873, d. June 28, 1949
STRONG, LUCINDA M., b. 1852, d. 1935
TAYLOR, ELIZABETH ANN (TUTHILL), Wife of Ira C. Taylor, d. Dec. 9, 1874, 43Y 9M 6D
VANAKEN, BERTHA M., Dau of Wallace & Mary VanAken, d. July 11, 1887, 1Y, Asleep
VANAKEN, CHARLES E., d. Sept. 22, 1904, 84 Y
VANAKEN, MARTHA, Wife of Charles E. VanAken, d. Jan. 15, 1905, 83Y
VANAKEN, ALVA J., Son of Charles & Martha VanAken, d. March 4, 1892, 27Y 8M 13D
WESTBROOK, AARON J., Son of Peter & Martha Westbrook, b. Nov. 11, 1877, d. Dec. 23, 1885
WHITE, ESTER, Wife of Nathan White, d. June 9, 1876, 68Y 1M 2D
WHITE, SAMUEL P., Son of Nathan & Esther White, d. Oct. 13, 1864, 12Y 11M 26D
WHITE, WILLIAM M., Son of Nathan & Esther White, d. Aug. 4, 1858, 4Y 1M 9D
WHITE, JOHN, b. Dec. 24, 1843, d. May 9, 1907
WHITE, LOUISA O., Wife of George R. White, b. 1846, d. 1919
WHITE, GEORGE R., b. 1841, d. 1905
WHITE, ISABELL, b. 1920, d. 1920
WHITE, FRED, b. 1925, d. 1926